Monday, August 13, 2007

Mama-Mia Mitsubishi

Just take a look at that picture. Isn't that one hell of an agressive looking car? It makes a Civic look almost apologetic, while an Altis or a Focus is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Based on looks alone, this Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT will sell by the container load. But are these people making a wise move? That depends.

When it comes to driving enjoyment, the Lancer 2.0 GT is the best there is right now in the class. When driven hard, it responds like no other and the pace it generates will see the competitors falling into ditches or crashing due to terminal understeer. Only the Focus comes close, though the Ford does not have the novelty factor of six virtual gear ratios. Selected, by magnesium steering column mounted shifters no less.

But there are some major problems. Leave that CVT gearbox in auto and the car sounds like an industrial sized blender mated to a vacuum cleaner so you need to really get used to the gearbox to remain sane. On top of that, there is the interior quality. I'm sorry Mitsubishi, but I expect more than Proton Saga plastic quality and panel fit. Any Honda, Toyota or Nissan has better quality interior and from what I hear, the new Proton Pesona is a million times better.

Sigh, so in the long run, this car has a few too many foibles for me to say "GO AND BUY ONE NOW!" It may drive like magic (until you have to change the RM1200 each tyres that is) and it may look like a Fast & Furious refugee, but the interior quality is unforgivable for half the price. Still, it will scare the hell out of the competition. Especially at just over RM115,000 and that includes 3-years servicing, insurance and a 5-year warranty.

By Dirk Diggler

I have driven this car and I have to agree with Dirk. Now I know why Proton used to have such crappy interior. But then again, if performance is high on your wish list, nothing beats the Lancer at its price.
This Lancer-lot also makes me wonder why the Civic, which is a CKD from Melaka, is so expensive (the Lancer is a CBU from Japan).
Whatever it is, let the price war begin!
- Hazman Hamzah

Drives like a weekend racer. Comes with an interior to match. Buy it, strip it, and enjoy. ~ Ray Singh

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